Christina Jasper

NMLS: 1745727

Licensed in: NC, SC, VA

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As it turns out, I was a huge nerd from birth. When I was in kindergarten, when adults asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, “Mechanical Engineer, just like my Dad”. I lived that dream for a decade before using my nerd powers in the financial world. Now, if you asked me what I want to be when I grow up, I would tell you I am in my dream job.
Anything Durham. Shows at DPAC, dinner at Mateo, bringing your family to The Life and Science Museum, picnics at the Duke Gardens. Have I mentioned I love Durham?
I am trying to be a Zen yoga Buddhist but the reality is who has time for that? I love spending time at my kids’ soccer, football, and basketball games. I also read every genre of book and travel with my amazing supportive hubby. If I could end every evening with a family dance party, my day is complete.

If I was stranded on a deserted island, I'd take...

A Grandma’s pizza and an Italian chef. I’m allowed a chef, right?
Lizzo, Paul Simon, and anything I can dance to.
My husband. I’m one lucky lady. Don’t tell my kids I said that. They all think they are my favorite.
If I could have created a human, it would have been him. He is the perfect balance of chivalry and feminist. He supports me and loves me in all of my love languages. His heart is huge for not just me but everyone who is in his orbit and he has a wicked sense of humor. See. I’m lucky.
