Rob Peterson
Located in Eastern NC serving all of NC, SC and VA
NMLS: 72785
Licensed in: FL, NC, SC, VA
3786 Henderson Dr. Jacksonville, NC 28546
Get to know your Loan Officer
Being able to pick up the phone and call our CEO allows the unique ability to solve loan level problems in the matter of minutes instead of waiting days for a decision. Additionally, our streamline corporate structure and numerous banking relationships allows us the ability to offer ultra-competitive pricing to our consumers. Collectively, our excellent pricing and world class service sets us apart from other lenders.
Magician…now I make magic happen with loans.
The beach…if you’re visiting the area, our beaches are some of the best on the east coast. Grab a bite at Sears Landing or an ice cream at Boomballatis.
I enjoy spending my time on the beach with my family. My wife and I really love discovering all the coast has to offer with our three kids.
If I was stranded on a deserted island, I'd take...
Jack Johnson
The Office
my family
all deserted islands need someone awesome to share the beach with